Some Smartphone Applications Are Very Useful For Landscape Photographers

To get the best natural light photograph, the most ideal is if we can make the characteristic of light at the hunting site before we leave. With the help of the application, we can better know the position of the sun at a particular location on the hour and date that we choose. Want to know anything, here are some applications

1. Sun Seeker
Sun Seeker is one of the fovorit applications because it is easy to use and quite sophisticated. The main attraction of Sun Seeker is the 3D augmented reality feature. How pemakainnya is enough open this application where you stand then by using the camera behind the smartphone he will show where the sun is located and the path that will pass the sun throughout the day, complete with illustrations.

2. The Photographers Ephemeris (TPE)
With this application we can know how the sun or the moon will fall in specific positions, on specific hours and specific dates. How to use it, you just enter lokasim time and date and then the app will show where the sun, how high and where the rays. This app does not have graphics, but for that crucial feature, the price is still angat terjangakau. This app is available on Andorid and iOS smartphones.

3. Pashadelic
This application is actually similar to TPE, there is a feature to see the position of the sun and the direction of light at the location and time we choose. For kelebihnnya, this application does not need to pay to use it. We have to join Pashadelic members, because they rely on communicates sharing photos of each other to get a cool spot of landscapr photo spots in their respective areas.



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