5 Types Of This Virus Most Dangerous For All Types Of Android Smartphones

Viruses on smartphones are not less dangerous with viruses on the computer. There are viruses that can steal your data and photos, viruses that make your smartphone continuously restart, to make your smartphone can not digunkan again. Well, here are the types of viruses that are harmful to the smartphone

1. Shedun, Shuanet, and ShiftyBug

These three malware will cause your Android can not be used again. So, once infected with this virus, you should immediately buy a new smartphone. The most dangerous Android virus is usually found from third-party app stores. After treinstal on Android victims, this malware will root the device, embed them to system-level services, and transform their shapes into legitimate or legitimize themselves in popular applications like facebook, candy crush, twitter, snapchat, and others.

2. Stagefright

This dangerous virus can have a big effect on more than 1 billion users of Andoroid smartphone. bahya that can be caused when the user Android is infected Stagefright is irresponsible person will utilize dat stored in Android for certain interest besides that Stagefright also can digunkan to access all Android device without dit \ oelh owner. How to spread this big Stagefright adlaha by slipping a malware into multimedia files seprti MP3 or MP4.

3. Drsheep

This virus belongs to a class of trojans, dangerous Andorid virus is able to hijack Facebook account. Twittre and Linkedln belong to you. Another name of this virus is HackTool.ANdoridOS.DroidSheep.A when it is detected in safe mode or antivirus you are using. With his creepy pamphlet, surely you have to be careful with the presence of this Drsheep Virus in your Andorid.

4. Hipposms

This malicious virus takes over the SMS system on your smartphone, then sign up for a paid SMS kite. If already infected with this virus, the only way to selamta is to do factory reset and also replace the new number.

5. Base Bridge

The virus, known by another name Andr / BBridge-A, uses siste, previlege escalation to install malicious aisng apps on your Android device. This malicious virus can scan all the contents of your message.

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Source: jalantikus.com


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