Shocking Facts About USB Type-C Hazards

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Now USB Type-C or USB-C ports are widely used on smartphones, perhaps even as standard ports for new gadgets. USB Type-C (USB 3.1) offers a higher data transfer rate, which is 10 GB per second about 20 times faster than old USB type. USB Type-C has a symmetrical shape. So, you no longer need to confuse how to plug the correct cable. Here are the surprising facts of USB Type-C danger

1. Danger USB Type-C Cords Cable
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Not only can damage the device, the use of fake or inappropriate USB-C cable may also harm the user. Because the design of the USB-C cable is more complicated in regulating data transfer and power. Well, for security, you should use the default USB-C cable only.

2. Cheating Accessory Manufacturer
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Some accessory manufacturers are caught using the USB icro cable and just replace the edges just like a USB Type-C form. This can be dangerous because it could damage your device that basically uses USB Type C. Well, if your USB-C is damaged, then you should buy on the official manufacturer of the smartphone you use.

3. Higher Hazard Level
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USB Type-C technology has a higher level of danger than the previous version, which is micro USB. As the latest USB standard, USB Type-C is designed with more advanced technology. USB-C is able to send more data and faster, more power transfer. That is the advantage. But if the quality of the USB-C cable is not standard, it can easily destroy your device in an instant.

4. Fast Charging
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This problem is also not just about bad cable quality, some mobile phone manufacturers are also known not to play in accordance with existing rules. For example USB Type-C is claimed to perform the process of recharging the battery is much faster. The theory may be true. But it is also not entirely true.

Initially Qualcomm's Quik Charge technology is incompatible with USB-C. But that does not stop Qualcomm and the manufacturer of mobile phones to bring fast charging features. They also blindly USB Type-C cable with special specifications to bring the Quick Charge feature. Bad news, standard USB Type-C cable quality made by third-party accessories can not be used. If it forces, it has the potential to cause very serious problems for users who buy cheap cable online.

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