Does HP charge overnight Dangerous, True or False?

Many say that the charge of a smartphone left sleeping alias overnight is dangerous, potentially overheating, and can damage the battery. Well, wrong we ngecas HP overnight, well here is the explanation.

Smartphone That's smart, So with the battery.

His name is also a smartphone, smart phones as well as the battery. According to iFixit CEO, Kyle Wiens, a United States company that focuses on providing guidance for smartphone repairs. The problem is not in how the charging process, but about the battery self-charging cycle.

It's All About Battery Charge Cycle.

The average smartphone battery has a capacity of 400 cycles of charging power, which means that if calculated on average once a day to charge, the quality of the battery will be guaranteed for one and a half years and more. After that, slowly the battery quality will probably decrease.

So, the conclusion does not matter if you sniff the smartphone until the full battery, whether it's day or night, will not affect battery quality. Even so, make sure you always use the original charger and put the smartphone in a safe place to prevent overheating.

As Apple warns on its site, lithium-based batteries used on modern smartphones can be degraded by excessive heat. Well, if you want your smartphone battery lasting, make sure to keep the charging cycle. One way to use smartphones wisely.

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