Here it is, the Popular Websites That Are The Place Of The Programmer Discussion

Hasil gambar untuk Ini Dia, Website-website Populer Yang Jadi Tempat Diskusi Para Programmer
When learning the programming language there must be times when experiencing problems such as running fails, wrong code and much more. It's at such times that you start thinking short, despairing, not even learning the programming language anymore. Here are some websites where the programmers gather for question and answer about programming languages:

1. Stackoverflow
Hasil gambar untuk Stackoverflow
Stackoverflow is a question and answer website about the world's number one programming language, making it easier for us to solve problems in programming. No need to worry your question is not responded there, because there are so many expert programmers who are happy to help your problem.

2. Reddit
Hasil gambar untuk Reddit
Reddit has question and answer content of various things including also about programming language, internet, and computer. You can ask questions and answer questions from other users.

3. Quora
Hasil gambar untuk Quora
Quora has informative content shared by other users almost the same as reddit that addresses a variety of topics including programming, internet, and kommputer.

4. CodeRanch
Hasil gambar untuk CodeRanch
CodeRanch is a place of discussion for both novice programmers as well as with professionals, almost the same as Stackoverflow most users on this website discuss about programming problems experienced you certainly easily mendaptakan solution of your problem.

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