Watch out! Seven Trivial Habits That Make Laptop Quickly Damaged

The development of smartphones and tablets is very rapidly with increasing age. But still the laptop can not be replaced by mobile devices. Laptops are needed by some circles such as students and creative workers, laptops become a necessity to do the job or job.

When you buy a laptop, surely you expect at least a laptop can last for 3 years or even more. Tentunnya we all want to buy a laptop yag really reliable to support various purposes, so than do not do some of this trivial habits if your laptop wants to durable. The following are small mistakes that seem trivial but have a major impact on the use of laptops in the long run

Plug Charge into Laptop First or to Electrical First?
Well, it turns out you should connect the charge first to the electrical current, then connect to your laptop. Because the power jump on the first charge on the plug is not stable and if you still do it routinely then your laptop motherboard will be damaged quickly.

Charge Laptop Although Battery Not Out
If you guys are diligent so often charge the laptop even though the battery is still not exhausted. So that at any time taken out, the laptop battery is full and no need to worry to look for power outlet. If often like that, try as much as possible to charge the laptop when the battery is running out reaching 10 percent. Do not leave until the laptop battery is empty and do not also charge the laptop if the battery is still above 30 percent. This will make the battery capacity in supplying power decreases.

Closing the Laptop in Lifetime
If you often run out using a laptop directly close it in a state of hidp without Shut Down. Closing the laptop directly in a state of life will be very dangerous for the security and health of your laptop. You should avoid as much as possible to close the laptop alive. If necessary after Shut Down wait dterlebih when the heat produced by the laptop channeled properly.

Place Laptops on lap or above Mattress
If you are at home, surely you often use laptop anywhere. For example by using a laptop on the mattress while holding it on the thigh. Should not be too often this habit for long. The reason, this can make the airflow under the laptop becomes obstructed and the heat will settle. If it is hot, not just a laptop that can be damaged but your thighs can also burn.

Disassemble Your Own Laptop
Dismantling the desktop PC and disassembling the laptop is certainly very different. If your laptop is guilty, do not disassemble it yourself, you should fix an authorized service center laptop or someone with an expert laptop repair. If you dismantle it yourself without the complete tools and skills that occupy, of course can result in datal and your laptop can be damaged.

Lifting the Laptop by Holding the Screen
Although your laptop is fairly light though, you should stop the habit from now on. If still done too, it will adversely affect the hinges and LCD of your laptop.

Not Installing Laptop Battery and Jump to Electricity Plug
If you want a laptop battery to stay durable, but it just wrong and will damage your laptop mainboard. The reason, irregular power jumps even foam causes a short circuit. So, instead of adding durable even quickly damaged.

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