5 Technologies That Were Used Hollywood Movies

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Some Hollywood movies that embed sophisticated technology called CGI or Computer Generated Imagery in it. CGI is the application of computer graphics field or more specifically 3D computer graphics for special effects in movies, programs, television, commercials, simulators and general simulations, and print media. Here is the technology that is in Hollywood Movies

1. Digital Location
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In the movie Avatar, every scene is set on the planet of the blue aliens called Pandora, the whole is created digitally. Even so with space lar in the movie Gravity.

Digital Technology Set apparently also can be used to modify the existing location. Call it the Avengers building in the Avengers series or the Oscorp building in the Amazing Spiderman series.

2. Digital Nudity
In the movie Game Of Thrones, in the fifth season of the HBO series there is a scene where the Queen character played by Lena Headey must walk in the middle of town without clothes. Nude scene that dilakoni by Lena Headey rupaya digital touch alias mock. The filmmakers combine shooting and CGI combined. The first requirement, of course, stunt replacement must be similar to the main character.

Second, the scene is done several times once with the main character wearing busan, then followed by a substitute actor who does not wear clothing and once again with green screen and moving lighting.

3. Digital Resurrection

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In the Fast and Furious series, one of the Fast and Furious actors, Paul Walker died in the middle of filming. But why did he keep appearing in his movie? Padhal insidn death occurred when not finished shooting you know.

By using a combination of CGI technology, Face Scanning and Motion Capture. The visual effects team from Fast and Furious successfully created a virtual CGI or virtual version of Paul Walker using old clips. After the filming process finished, Paul Walker's face was affixed to his sister's face.
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The same trick is also used by Star Wars filmmakers, when making Rogue One. Where they revived the character of General Moff Tarkin played by Peter Cushing in 1977. Whereas Peter Cushing himself has died since 1994.

4. Motion Capture
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Motion Capture or MoCap technology is used in games since SEGA time. Its use in the movie itself, just happened in the movie The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers, to create the character Gollum played by Andy Serkis. Motion Capture technology itself finally managed to get a strong boost, after the success of James Cameron Avatar in 2009, which spent 12 years for pre-production in order to perfect the virtual camera for this MoCap technology.

5. Digital De-Aging
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In the latest Pirates of The Caribean movie, there is a scene where the young version of Jack Sparrow appears, well the role is played by Johnny Deep. Next, there is the Captain America Civil War fil. Here pn, you can find scenes where Tony Stark's teenage version is played by Robert Downey Jr.
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Eating or enslaving the actors is not a new thing anymore, because Hollywood has been doing it before with a combination of makeup and wig. Now with CGI rocks, the old, young look is now really impressed.

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Source: jalantikus.com
