Tips To Become A Reliable Web Developers

As the current era grows more and more internet, and also the profession of web developers has also developed into one of the professions that have bright prospects. If you are interested in the world of IT as a profession web developer, you can learn some things in order to become a web developer with a high skill.

Basic Tray

1. Understand HTTP Concepts
The fundamental component of the web world is the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Understand what processes occur on the server and client side, when we open the web page.

2. Javascript
Using javascript does help to make it easier for us to work more interactively. We can create a popup window, autocomplate, datepicker, and many other things using javascript.

3. HTML and CSS
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the language used to form the look of a web. And by using Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), we can format the display more easily and certainly better.

4. Server Side Programming
Server Side programming is the most important part of dynamic web programming. In this baguian you can learn the choice of programming language very much. Starting from long-standing languages ​​like Perl, Ruby, PHP, JSP, and Phyton to languages ​​like NodeJS, Haskell, Scala, and Go. Until now PHP is still the most popular language because it is easy to learn and implement as well as many references and communities around PHP available on the internet.

5. SQL database
Dynamic Web is incomplete when not using Database Management System (DBMS) as a means of data storage. Database on web applications a lot of kegunaanya such as storing user data, articles, sales transactions, and many more in accordance with the type of web applications developed. The popular database program you can learn such as MySQL, PosterSQL, and MariaDB which is open source or oracle and microsoft SQL Server which is a paid application.

6. Web Server
This concept is also an important component. Without using the web server, the web app you created will not work. Popular popular Web Servers are Apache and Nginx

7. Web Hacking
Learn web hacking tricks like SQL Injection and CrossSite Scripting (XSS). By understanding it then we can prevent hacker attacks to our website.

Advanced Capabilities

1. Linux
Using Linux while doing the web development process will familiarize you to always be aware of the importance of upper and lower case to save the upload. This can prevent problems that arise when web applications are written in Windows and then uploaded to servers that use linux.

2. Learn the Framework
Framework is very important to keep our coding structured neatly and have the same standards especially when web applications are done together. The use of the framework will also separate the logic layer, database query, and display so that the application is easier to maintain. Some popular frameworks are for PHP languages, like Laravel, Symfony, and Yii. For Phyton language there is a framwork named Django, Ruby On Rails for Ruby language.

3. Advance Javascript
By mastering jQuery, you can manipulate your web pages more easily like creating textfields into autocomplates, leaving certain pages missing or appearing under certain conditions. In addition to Javasrcript libraries such as jQuery, you can also learn about javascript framework like Angular or RaectJS which is currently increasingly popular.

4. Responsive Layout
By using responsive layout then our web display will automatically adjust to the width of the screen that opened it. We can use Boostrap CSS which will be very helpful in making responsive layout. In addition to Boostrap there is also a JS Foundation.

5. Revision Control
Revision control will help you to record the changes that occur in your coding. That way you can detect any changes, when the change, to who is making changes. You can also revert to previous coding versions when needed.

If you are looking for references to online payments, you can see on the Bali Web Developers website.


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