The CMD Commands You Must Know

CMD or Command Prompt Commands is a service on the operating system that you can use to run various commands with a specific purpose such as stabilizing the internet connection, running the application. Here are some CMD commands you should know about

1. Opening Advance User Account Settings

If you want to access user account settings, of course you must first go to Control Panel. For faster and simpler, you just need to type netplwz in CMD.

2. Opening Notepad

If you want to open some records, of course you will use notepad. Well, to be more practical you can use the notepad command in CMD.

3. Troubleshooting

For those of you who want to troubleshoot when your computer is having a particular problem, you can access the feature faster by using the command control.exe / nameMicrosoft.Troubleshooting.

4. Creating a WLAN Network

You just type the command (netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = enter the name of the WLAN you want to create key = enter the password for the WLAn network you want to create). Janga forgot to type netsh wlan start hostednetword. 

5. Mengakses Disk Management

You can use CMD to get faster access to disc management features by using the command diskmgmt.msc command. Disk management itself serves to partition, format, defragmentation and so on your hard drive.

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