Photography Tips Using HP To Look Professional

Hasil gambar untuk Tips Fotografi Menggunakan HP Agar Terlihat Profesional
Now photographing activities not only by relying on a special camera device, such as pocket camera, DSLR, and the like. Currently we have been familiar with the new term in the world of professional photography, one of which is mobile photography. Here are some tips for being able to shoot images with great results even with an HP camera

1. Understand Angle In Shooting
Hasil gambar untuk Pahami Angle Dalam Pengambilan Gambar dengan hp
Angle or angle of shooting is something that can give meaning to your photo. To be able to get angle shooting yag proper required further training and exploration. Through the right angle will make your photo as it looks real and interesting.

2. Do not Use Zoom Features
Hasil gambar untuk Jangan Gunakan Fitur Zoom hp
Do not use the zoom feature when shooting an image, this is because the zoom feature can add noise effects to the image. If the noise is clearly visible, then certainly the photo will not be good. Then the best step to photograph a distant object is by approaching it. By the way, you will also have a clear photo without any noise in the picture.

3. Note Lighting
Hasil gambar untuk Pencahayaan fotografi dengan hp
The lighting aspect is one of the most important parts in the world of photography. For illumination lighting you can take advantage of sunlight if you want to do shooting outdoors, while for low light conditions you can use additional lighting.

4. Note the Lens Camera Cleaning
Hasil gambar untuk Perhatikan Kebersihan Lensa Kamera hp
Because the lens is a technology to capture images to sharper, so make sure there is no dirt attached to the camera lens.

5. Use Photo Editing App
Hasil gambar untuk Gunakan Aplikasi Editing Foto hp
So that your photos look more professional, then it takes a bit of the right editing touch. Of course this process is much more fun because our creativity will be further honed to produce a better picture.

